Vehicle key fob complete with hidden WiFi camera and recorder
This unique decoy vehicle key-fob has many unique features including an in-built high quality full HD capable hidden camera and a superb covert microphone providing excellent audio and video.
The key-fob is cable of storing all recordings onto its removable micro SD memory card with a maximum compatible size of 64Gb.
This solution not only allows you to store video recordings but will also allow you to take snap-shot images as and when required.
Recordings / snap-shots can be initiated either manually or automatically - based on motion detection.
Another superb function that we have added to this unit, is Wi-Fi! Meaning that you can also use the unit remotely / in real-time using an iPhone or Android based smart phone.
The case has its own internal re-chargeable battery which can provide up to 2 hours operating time.
Features include:
- Unique covert low profile design
- Internal re-chargeable battery - providing up to 1.5 hours operating time
- In-built Wi-Fi functionality allowing real-time monitoring - using either an iPhone or Android smart phone
- Manually initiated video recording and snap-shot
- Automatically initiated video recording and snap-shot based on motion detection
- All recordings date and time stamped
- All recordings stored onto removable micro SD memory card - maximum size of 64Gb
- Optional 3G / 4G mobile WiFi module - for areas where access to a local WiFi network is not possible - please see options above in order to purchase